Italy is famous for its natural and historical beauties, but some of its regions remain to be fully explored and known. The Cilento area, south of Salerno and only a few kilometers away from the archaeological treasures of Paestum, is one of these still relatively hidden treasures, and Palazzo Del Mercato in Laureana Cilento is the perfect gateway to it. In a small hillside village on the edge of the Cilento National Park, with a view over the Gulf of Paestum, this large, historical and absolutely charming building is waiting for you. An ideal private retreat, or a cultural institution, or many other possible developments... Enjoy a tour of the house through the gallery section, and let your imagination carry you in an ideal setting for a dream, which is also a superb Real Estate investment opportunity.
Facts about Palazzo Del Mercato
Area of main building: 1500 sq. meters
Area of the two-storey dependance in the garden: 200 sq. m.
Garden: 3000 sq. m. approx.
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